Year End Awards Banquet
The 2024 Awards Banquet will be held at
Kindred Market - Springfield, Vermont.
Members will receive signup via email!!
Spring Mud Ride
Spring Mud Ride & Drive 25 mile CTR/CTD,10 &15 mile CDR/CDD
The Quinn's Farm Springfield VT
Jenny Kimberly 802 674 5384 jennykimberly@comcast.net
Entry Form
Brown Bag
Brown Bag 25 mile CTR and 15 CDR
Cornish NH Fair Grounds
Contact Debbie Keenan 802 885 2311 dbkeenan96@gmail.com
Bare Bones
Bare Bones
50 mile Endurance and 30 LD
Cornish, NH Fair Grounds
Contact: Linda Ferland 603 558 1741
Bare Bones Entry

Wellwood Orchard Ride
Wellwood Orchards 30 mile CTR, 15 Mile CDR
Wellwood Orchards- Weathersfield, VT
Contact: Rhonda Batchelder saltyhorse57@gmail.com

Silver Hill Ride 25 / 15
Silver Hill 25 / 15 - 25 mile CTR, 15 Mile CDR
Smoke Rise Farm West Windsor VT
Contact Kathy Hall kathy.stormybrook@gmail.com
Silver Hill Entry

Eatathon Year End Celebration Ride and Hike
Eatathon Ride, Hike and Eat
Silver Hill Farm West Windsor, VT
Contact Laura Farrell 802 291 1348 JLFarrell0@gmail.com

Kedron Foliage Fall Out 30 / 15 Ride and Drive
Fall Finale Ride & Drive 25 mile CTR/CTD 15 & 10 mile CDR/CDD
Smoke Rise Farm West Windsor VT
Jenny Kimberly 802 674 5384 jennykimberly@comcast.net